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What is DXL File Format & Uses of Domino XML Language

Written By Nimisha Ramesh
Mack John
Approved By Mack John  
Published On August 5th, 2024
Reading Time 4 Minutes Reading

What is DXL File Format – Lotus Domino XML Language

The specific version of XML (Extensible Markup Language) is commonly known as DXL file or Domino XML File format for Lotus Domino data. It is a Domino XML file extension that is used to determine the data contained in a Lotus Domino database and structure of the database. Domino is a type of server program for a groupware application and Lotus Notes that is used by many businesses. The Lotus Domino Document Type Definition (DTD) is used to describe the DXL structure.

Suggestion: If you want to open and view DXL files then, you can go for a reliable solution named as DXL Viewer.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is download-now-1.png

A Brief Overview About What is DXL File

It is also used to describe the Lotus Domino-specific design and data elements such as views, documents and forms. It is a basis for importing and exporting XML representation of data to and from a Lotus Domino application. Using DXL file (Domino XML Language), a user can add the structural components and data to the database with the help of XML.

What does DXL Extension Stands for?

DXL file Extension Stands for Domino Extensible Language file and it is an adaptation of XML.

Specification of DXL File Format

Developer IBM
File Type Database Files
Format Domino XML Format
MIME Type Unspecified
File Signature Unspecified
Supported Operating System Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux

DTD (Data Type Definition) is used to describe the DXL structure. Therefore, the elements and entities that can be used to create Domino DTD are mentioned below:

  • Core Entities: It contains entities that can be used to work as data type categories such as float, binary, hex, boolean, notesid, integer and unid.
  • Common entities: These are the types of entities that can be used as reference in other entities or elements such as color, lengths, pixel, acl.levels and image.formats
  • Lotus Domino elements: It contains all the elements in Lotus Domino DTD. It is basically used determine the type of data stored in NTF template or Lotus Domino NSF template.

What is DXL File Framework & Domino XML Uses?

DXL file format or Domino XML is used to represent the Domino design elements in XML format. In this segment of the article, the framework of a DXL is discussed and how it is beneficial for any user.
The DXL framework basically simplifies Notes object access from any client. There are multiple opportunities to access the Domino objects from different programming platforms. Each of this method of access, depending upon the given scenarios, presents unique challenges. With the help of DXL framework, a user can build an application through which a user:

  • With the help of Notes view, can view the Notes document list.
  • Select any of the documents from the list and analyze the details of the Notes document.dxl-file-format-framework
  • One can update any values on the selected document.
  • If a user wants, can create a new document.

Why Users need DXL File format?

There are various reasons available that make user use DXL along with XML and all of them are mentioned below:

  • With the help of DXL file, a user is allowed to add the data and structured components to the database.
  • An amazing way of exposing Domino application data to any other platform.
  • DXL file type allowed user to import and export Domino data and design elements in the form of a XML document.
  • A simple and easy mechanism to define and transform the data or an XML data.
  • Use DXL file format to import all XML data from an application or external databases into Domino database.
  • It provides an easy way to export the XML data from the Domino database into other database or an application.

Programs to Open DXL Files

For Microsoft Windows Platform

1. Microsoft Notepad
2. IBM Domino
3. Microsoft XML Notepad
4. IBM Lotus Domino Designer
5. Other text editor

For Linux

1. IBM Lotus Domino Designer
2. IBM Domino
3. Other text editor

For Mac OS X

1. IBM Lotus Domino Designer


The DXL file is basically an adaptation of XML language that is mainly used to import and export XML database over multiple platforms. Moreover, it makes working with any XML document very easy such updating a document. It was originally developed by Lotus Domino to represent Domino design elements in XML file. In this article, we tried cover all the general information related to DXL that is important from user point of view such as what is DXL file format and what it is used for.