Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Terms And Conditions

Term of Use

technewskb.com maintains and regulates certain terms and conditions in order to successfully running and the continuous growth of the services that are provided to the visitors. This is a registered organization and every visitor to this website bound to maintain and follow the terms of use with high priorities. The tool, images, services of this website are the sole purpose of the organization. Any argument against the Terms will be considered as violations. So please read the Terms of Use very carefully before using the site or its materials.

Terms & Services

technewskb.com is a fully functional organization with a bunch of highly talented and motivated people with expertise in their own field. This website provides the technical solution of various problems, that normally solvable by using other software or tools. Our experts are highly focused and provide a solution to that issues with only following the manual methods. So the contents and the services of this website are held by copyright laws and any kind of distribution, recreation, or reproduction without the appropriate permission will bot be permitted and therefore we will be forced to follow the legal procedure against those.

Communication Terms

While accessing the website, or availing any product, if any electronic communication takes place from the end user, then it should express their consent to let us communicate with them in future. The future communication can be made through any electronic medium like: email, newsletter, post etc.


This website has been maintained to provide technical information to the users. Although every effort is made to provide accurate information, but we do not hold any responsibility for the accuracy, correctness, suitability, timeliness of the information provided here. It should be considered that due to a vast range of data, the data might face inaccuracy or errors in it. Any dependency on the provided content is at user’s risk. We hold all copyrights of the website including content, images, graphics, layout, appearance, design and any reproduction of such information will be considered as an offense.

Violating Terms and Condition

Any intentional or unintentional violation of technewskb.com property will be considered as breaking the Terms. In situation like this, we maintain the right to:
Issue formal warnings to the particular user.
Temporarily suspend to access the website, continuing the same, may lead to permanent ban.
Your IP address may be blocked by our organization immediately.
We keep the right to forward legal proceedings in court.

Individual Product and Services

If any particular software or services are advised by our experts on the web page, then please be notified that the suggested software has its own terms of use. Therefore, the usage of the software is purely at the user’s risk. Do not take any responsibilities regarding the quality or security of the product. The offered software solely belong to the respective publishers. Here in technewskb.com, we do not promote any software product and we’re not involved with any of the associated legal issues.