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How To Increase Page Speed With Different Practices For SEO

Written By Aswin Vijayan
Mack John
Approved By Mack John  
Published On October 1st, 2016
Reading Time 5 Minutes Reading

Web users are often confused between the two term “Site Speed” and “Page Speed“. However, page speed defines page load time.
It can be described as the total time any web page takes to fully display the entire content of a web page. We can also, describe page speed as “how fast web pages and it’s media content transferred from the serves and comes in the web browser”

Page speed is important, as it decides the total time a web page will take to completely display it’s content after clicking its hyperlink.

When we see Page speed from the point of SEO, it is very necessary to check page speed because faster the speed of the web, the better ranking Google will provide to the page. Therefore, SEO personnel should perform page speed test to make their websites or pages rank well in The Google.

Why Page Speed Is Important?

  • The fast page speed gives a positive sign to the users who clicks on the website. To attract more users on any website it should take minimum time for loading any web page. Every second is important when it comes to loading any page and to display it’s entire data. If the page will take more time, it is very obvious that user will go to the another page or site.
  • In addition, Page speed impacts users experience because the fast website provides ease to the users to navigate different pages.
  • In 2010, Google announced that the page speed will be a big factor that also decides search ranking of any website or page. Therefore, it is very important for SEO personnel to minimize the page loading time that will help them in improving website ranking and also deliver the good onsite user experience.

Various Factor That Results Poor Load Time

There are many factors that result slow loading time of website or web pages:

  • Widgets: widgets impact the page speed, it includes comments area, calendars Social buttons.
  • HTML/CSS Code: If the HTML and CSS code are very dense, it will sure impact the performance of the page. A web designer should cleanup the code to better performance.
  • Heavy Images: Heavy image also causes the slow loading speed of web pages, some High Definition images lower page speed. If the user compresses all the visuals under PNG, will make images and visuals light weighted and also maintains their quality. The user can also save images and logos in JPEG format for lowering the weight.
  • Media Embedded In Web Pages: Embedded media such as videos from other websites and advertisements lower the page speed.
  • Complicated Theme: The theme web designer chooses for the website also impact the performance of page speed as the heavy themes have too much effects and designs.

Most Beneficial SEO Practices To Enhance Page Speed

The question always comes “How To Increase Page Speed?”, here are some methods that Seo personnel can make their practice to minimize the loading time of any web page:

  • Reduce HTTP Request User can minimize the number of HTTP request by reducing images, scripts, flash, etc because the HTTP request is made for each element that takes a long time to load on a page.
  • Enable Compression User can zip large pages that could have high-quality content with a technique called Compression. With the help of compress, the user can minimize the bandwidth of their pages. Also, the user can use Gzip tool for file compression that will reduce the file size larger than 150 bytes. It is recommended, do not use Gzip on the image file, for this user can use an application like Photoshop that will also retain the quality of the image.
  • Enable Browsing Caching By enabling the cache, when the web visitor comes back to the site, they do not require to reload the entire page. Once the web page is loaded, it’s different component will automatically store in the cache and when a visitor visits the same site again only few component needs to download. This will speed up page loading time.
  • Minimize The Resources User can minify CSS, JavaScript and HTML by removing code comments, formatting and unused code that will increase the page speed. The user can use YUI Compressor which is recommended by Google for CSS and JavaScript.
  • Reduce Plugins User can delete and deactivate unnecessary plugins as they create may issues such as slow down the speed of website, security issue and causes crashes.


For positive user onsite experience and to improve the ranking of website on Google, it very important to speed up the loading time of websites. There are many factors that result poor page speed, to enhance the page speed of their websites one can implement above mentioned practices. These practices will sure minimize loading time and also affects the raking of the website.