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Top Reasons Why CASB Access Control Is Vital and Why Is It Must?

Written By Ashwani Tiwari
Mack John
Approved By Mack John  
Published On February 19th, 2018
Reading Time 4 Minutes Reading

Free data access is enjoyed while using cloud computing solutions, which is very hazardous at the same time, making Access Control Solution a need of the hour.

Need for Access Control

Saving of company incurred costs, ease of accessibility, and increased levels of work productivity are some of the chief causes why firms are moving to cloud. However, with all these advantages comes a great disadvantage and that is of cloud security, which has almost become a very grave concern owing to the huge volumes of confidential data and sensitive data that is being stored over cloud networks by most enterprises. Free access to this data exposing it even to the people unauthorized to access it, poses great problems for the company owning that data. Data leakages have become commonplace, thus leading to grave losses for firms. All this needs an immediate attention in the form of access control.

Big Advantage of Free Access Becomes a Bigger Disadvantage without Access Control

Some chief reasons why enterprises tend to move towards cloud run systems is the free and easy data access from anywhere, scalable systems, increased ease of work and enhanced productivity levels. However, this becomes a sort of nemesis provided the fact that any of the hackers could possibly gain the access to data easily from anywhere they are located.

Mitigating Issues of Access Control

The applications using cloud-based services include G Suite, Office 365, etc., having their own built-in security solutions including access control, but they are not adequate enough for complete cloud security of enterprises dealing mainly with mainly healthcare and finance related sensitive information and confidential data. Such types of firms require such solutions to secure their cloud networks. Cloud Access Security Brokers provide CASB solutions that ensure complete enterprise security.

Access Control Is a Need of the Hour in Cloud-Run Systems

In most CASB solutions, access control modules come with authentication, authorization, identification, audit and access approval. In this BYOD (bring-your-own-device) era involving too much of cloud data and other cloud apps, it becomes important that access control must be there in ever enterprise data security module. Access control is a very important CASB feature that strengthens overall cloud security of an enterprise. The 5 main reasons corroborating this have been listed below:

  1. Scalable: The main benefit of CASB Access Control module is that it can be easily customized as per the requirements of any enterprise; and later on, it can even be scaled up according to any advanced requirements of that firm for the purpose of adding an extra layer of security to the cloud systems of that organization.
  2. Passwords: Passwords need to be well-chosen for better management and better access control systems in terms of security of cloud data. Passwords, which can easily be cracked are those that are mostly re-used again and again for different accounts etc. so, choosing effective passwords can be done with the help of effective CASB solutions, which offer complete access control suites providing features like time out, geographical restriction, IP restriction, device restriction, user restriction, blacklisting, etc., for dealing with such issues in an efficient manner and thus for leaving no scope for any unauthorized data access.
  3. Generated Reports: Data being accessed and its incident reports are all logged chronologically and maintained by CASB providers, which could be produced easily before any authorities for ensuring better compliance with regulatory laws governing the businesses.
  4. Prompt Service: Any of the necessary changes and/or upgradations in cloud security software is done by CASB providers and the firms do not have to worry about it at all.
  5. Easy Management: Companies have the option to include access control security modules through CASB vendor solutions. And either this way or the other, it works out pretty fine for the firms, as it would help in eliminating any hassles otherwise encountered in appointing dedicated staff and on-premises admins for handling cloud security and access control functions.

Take Complete Control of Access Control

CloudCodes is a well-known leader in this domain, providing efficient CASB solutions with unique Access Control modules that can eliminate any type of coercive data threats by predefining data access rules at various working levels of enterprises and thus bridging the gap of security in quite a leak-proof way between enterprises and their cloud providers. The restrictions and policies thus imposed ensure that cloud-based systems are totally safe for any sort of sensitive data, thus avoiding incidences of data breaches and unauthorized data transmissions in the safest cloud environments.