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Home » How to Tips » Track Out The Way To Block Gmail Access In Office Area

Track Out The Way To Block Gmail Access In Office Area

Written By Ashwani Tiwari
Mack John
Approved By Mack John  
Published On November 6th, 2018
Reading Time 5 Minutes Reading

The post is going to aware G Suite enterprises customers with solution to block Gmail access in their workstation. It will restrict employees to work with their personal Gmail id during the office hours.

Business authorities never desires that their employees should use their personal profiles in the workstation. There are several reasons behind this desire like distraction from work, sharing of business confidential data, etc. Commanding employees verbally for not using their personal account is of no use. It is so because they take the instruction seriously for one to two days and after that, again start using their personal Gmail ids. This is the reason due to which UK industries feel tough while dealing with this Cloud Computing Security Challenge. Such type of situation gives call for the enforcement of a policy, which blocks Gmail access in Office network.

Don’t Panic You Have Solution To Your Problem

A network component named as website blocking is dependent upon company to company for its work. Proxy server or firewall is used to control this component. When the traffic passes through the office network, it reaches to Google cloud server. It is not at all possible for the Google security team to come up with a feature that blocks the use of personal Gmail Ids particularly in an office network. At the network level, G Suite enterprise users have to adopt a custom policy for the same. Well, there exists a solution offered by Google via Chrome policies to block Gmail access in office but, it is not a proper solution to the issue. Now its time to move towards the next section of this post that explains the method of using Chrome policies to restrict employees working with personal accounts. After this, you will encounter an effective and efficient approach to your issue.

Impose Chrome Policies to Block Gmail Access

Chrome standards are means to satisfy Google customers by providing a solution to stop the use of personal Gmail ids. The administrator of G Drive account can allow its users to work only with the specified domain on Chromebook and other Chrome-based browsers. Now its time to begin with the procedure of imposing Chrome policies by launching Google Chrome web browsers and then, executing following guidelines:

  1. Login into your G Suite administrator account whose email id does not end with domain. Once you get successfully logged in, an Admin console page gets opened in which you have to click on Device Management >> Chrome Management
  2. Click on User Settings and then, choose the enterprise name from LHS of the panel. You have to choose the enterprise network in which targeted officials are present. In case you wish to impose ‘block Gmail access’ policy for all employees of your firm, click on top-level organization option
    Note – Check that the ‘Google Chrome Management’ is activated for targeted enterprise network at the time of enforcing standard on Chrome web browsers.
  3. Move the mouse cursor towards User Experience and click on it. After this, again click on Sign-in within the Browser >> Allow users to sign-in only to the G Suite domains set below
  4. Enter all the domains of organization, which you want to allow for Google services
  5. It is possible to prevent employees from using their Gmail ids in Incognito window by locating towards Incognito Mode
  6. Here, you have enabled the option of Disallow Incognito Mode
  7. Finally, blocks use of personal Gmail ids in Office via Chrome policies by clicking on Save button.

Do You Really Think That Its the Perfect Solution?

The answer to this question is simply No because Chrome policies prevent the use of Gmail account only in Chrome-based browsers, not in others. If an employee attempts login of personal Gmail id using Mozilla Firefox, he or she will be able to do it. Also, enterprise higher authority will be totally unaware of this attempt, causing a big risk of cloud computing security. In this case, the controls are not at all in the hands of account administrators, which is really a major point to think over it.

If Not Chrome Policies, Then What?

Not to waste time in lots of thinking procedure, simply opt for an automated solution that provides a simple way to block Gmail access in the office network. The name of this solution is gControl in which administrator can stop the use of personal Gmail ids in all web browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer, etc. gControl solution provides ease to admins while enforcing the policy for the same and hence, append an extra Google cloud security layer. Not only this but, this automated measure benefits software admin by providing control over the data. He or she will be able to track the activities performed by employees with their business G Suite account and confidential data. The solution makes it simpler for end users to enforce ‘consumer Gmail block’ in their premises.

Finally You Are Having Solution to the Problem

A complete and foolproof solution on how to block Gmail access in office network is explained thoroughly in this post. If users desire, they can also go for Chrome standards by keeping all its limitations in mind. Well, the gControl solution is recommendation of several cloud security experts and considered as one of the best Google security solutions. Interested users can visit the official website of this solution, take its test, and if find suitable, purchase it to completely stop use of personal Gmail ids.