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Email Anti-Spam Filter Service: Understand the Term

Written By Ashwani Tiwari
Mack John
Approved By Mack John  
Published On December 17th, 2019
Reading Time 6 Minutes Reading

Have ever noticed, when you open your email account and find hundreds of unread messages, which you don’t even look for, and most of them are unknown. According to a research, 45% of all Emails are actually spam. There are 14.5 billion messages every day worldwide which marks as spam.

Emails are one of the most important means of communication, but it’s also a popular way for cybercrimes which exploits business. Half of all email messages are actually spam. To overcome these spam mails, many companies provide the service, named as Anti-Spam Filtering. Amongst all, the NetForChoice is a company that provides the most effective way to protect your business from the spam and risks with the best spam filter for on-going & out-going messages.

Within this article, we will explain the benefits of email anti-spam service and how a hosted spam filtering works in detail.

Before delving into the technologies, first, understand the term Spamming.

Spamming?? Do You Know This

For understanding, we can understand spam as Stupid Pointless Annoying Malware. Spamming refers to the use of an electronic messaging system like e-mails and other digital delivery systems to send unwanted bulk messages randomly. The person who creates spam messages is called the spammer.

Spamming is generally done for-

  • Advertising purpose
  • Financial loss
  • Fake donations, etc.

Generally, in spamming, the attacker purchases a database from the market. In the database, there are lists of Email addresses or phone numbers and they send SMS to all the email addresses. For example, if a new company has started and they have to advertise for the company. So they send messages to the email address in the way to advertise the company.

Anti-Spamming ?? A Saviour

Anti-spam refers to the service or solution whose aim is to block and mitigate the effects of illegal or spam emails from entering into a system. The services use a set of protocols to determine unwanted messages and prevent those messages from getting to a user’s inbox.

As you know, in any company spam email is an inconvenience that will block up your employee’s inboxes and overload your server. Spam is also dangerous in terms of the entry point for serious attacks that could damage your computer, the computer networks and even your company’s reputation. So, to mitigate these risks, the spam filter solution is essential.

Email Spam Filtering: A Quick Glance

Spam filter detects the unwanted, unsolicited emails which are spam messages and stops it from getting into the inboxes. The Internet service provider uses spam filters to make sure they aren’t distributing spam. Most of the businesses use spam filters to protect their employees and networks.

The spam filter is applied for both inbound email (emails which are entering the network) and outbound email (emails which are leaving the network). The Internet service provider uses both methods to protect their customers.

There are many spam filtering solutions available. They can either be hosted in the “cloud” on computer servers or integrated into email software such as Microsoft Outlook.

Importance of Email Anti-Spam Filter

A business email system without spam filtering is highly at risk if not usable. It is important to stop as much spam as you can to protect your network from many possible risks like viruses, phishing attacks, compromised web links, and other bitter content.

Email Spam filter protects your server from being overloaded with unwanted emails, and the worst problem of being infected with the spam software is that they may turn into spam servers themselves.

To prevent spam email from reaching your employee mailbox, spam filter gives you an additional layer of protection to your users, business, and network.

Related: What is Cloud Hosting?

What Spam Email Filter Do?

Many spam filtering email providers consider several features of incoming messages and they assign each email a score to the probability of the messages being spam. If the email has some score it will get into the inbox, and if the score passes a certain threshold, then the email is flagged as blocked or counts to the spams from going further.

Types of Filter

As a message traverses from a sender to the subscriber inbox, there are numerous types of filters:

  • Gateway Spam Filters: Gateway spam servers are the physical servers that are installed at the border of a company’s network, and it serves as a mailbox provider’s first-line defense in preventing spam. All the emails that come into the company must pass through this “gate” before it can enter the system. This spam filter learns what to mark as spam based on all the emails coming into the company.
  • Third-Party (or hosted) Spam Filters: Third-party spam filter are companies that have developed a method of using content and reputation metrics to distinguish spam from legitimate mail. Third-party spam filters can influence filtering decisions at the gateway or after the message is accepted through the gateway. Since these spam filters have a large book of clients using their services, they have a broad scope of information to use in determining whether to deliver to the inbox, spam, folder or block the message completely. Third-party spam filters can include technology that is integrated by vendors directly into their own products.
  • Desktop Spam Filters: These filters are a third party spam filters that live on the end user’s computer. They are highly customizable by an individual, so they can be amongst the more complex filters to pass through. An example of a desktop spam filter is Outlook, which uses Microsoft’s anti-spam filter SmartScreen which helps to filter the email.

Analysis of Spam Email

  • Content filter: Examine the content of messages, scan the words that are commonly used in spam emails.
  • Header filter: Examine the email header source to look for doubtful information such as spammer email addresses.
  • Blacklist filter: It stops emails that come from the blacklist of the suspicious IP address.
  • Rules-based filter: Apply the rules designed by the organization to exclude emails from specific senders, or emails that contain specific words in their subject line or body.

How Can We Fight Spamming Emails – Preventive Measures

Simple ways through which you can fight spam and protect yourself:

  • Never post or give your email address publicly as anyone can easily access the internet.
  • Think before clicking to any link embedded in the mail.
  • Avoid reply to spam messages which are related to the lucky draw and banking.
  • Avoid using personal or business email address at any social networking sites.

Final Say!

According to the above article, Email Anti-Spam Service, you must have got how dangerous a spamming can be for a business or an individual. So, Anti spamming service is very important in Email hosting. You must take email hosting from the company which provides you the best anti-spam security.