How to Strengthen Enterprise Security In the Era of Collaboration?
The philosophy of “data everywhere” is fantastic for efficiency but, it is highly destructive to traditional security architectures because they are unable to secure data. This enterprise security issue particularly arises when a user and data both are beyond the security boundary.
With an increase in the total number of IT-sanctioned company production software, the adoption rate of cloud adoption, companies are preferring the use of approaches that completes their operations faster in an efficient as well as more collaborative manner. However, with the collaboration strategy comes lots of challenges when core data is shared across a broad range of end-users and collaborators internally and externally the companies’ boundary.
The issue extends its limits by trying to explore boundaries of clouds when files, emails, and data are mobile. They could be easily forwarded, copied, and stored in USB devices. When there are several paths to reach to the information, and data itself is portable, a one-time deny/allow decision at the application or network level easily doesn’t cut it. Whatsoever it is, all time a question is asked by different entities to the organizations i.e., ‘How to secure data?’. In today’s post, we are recommending some key criterion for IT and security groups. This will help to establish a secure collaboration environment in today’s arena where cloud without any borders is commonly targeted.
Time to Read Out Enterprise Security Tips
1. Developing A Security for the Data Lifecycle – At the decision time of cloud adoption, it is the major role of security holders to initially make sure that they view the complete scope of the issue. The quick response may be to say – Well, if operators are saving less in an App X, we should append an extra security layer for App X. This is a popular approach however, it could get tough for individuals to manage rapidly as end-users prefer the use of a new cloud program with extremely new features.
Wait for a second, open your mind and eyes too! This popular approach comprises of a bigger problem within it – It comes back to the thinking of the previous perimeter. It is a holdover kind of mentality from a time when people and their records were assumed to be secured in an internal network. That is no more the case, and data can hold a very long elastic life after being accessed in the collaboration app. Information can be copied, shared, forwarded, and saved in other programs indefinitely. And this is named as modern data lifecycle. There are several paths to access data, several devices to store it, and it can live indefinitely. In short, information must be protected across these 3 phases – when it is used by an application, at rest, and in transmit mode.
2. It’s Important to Figure Out Friends vs. Foes – There exist several methods through which enterprise security can be broken and data can be lost. It is not always the hacker who is involved in the crime. Cyberattackers are also present in the business’s workstation and can cause a big threat if their intention is to reduce / finish the market reputation of a targeted company. It has been noticed that some of the biggest data breach incidents in the last few years took place because of the business partners or employees unintentional mistakes.
Company’s owner should have an eye to figure out friends vs foes in their industry and secure confidential data from them. Also, they should limit down access to the company’s secretive files and don’t allow all office employee to use them. A track record should be maintained in which it should be noted down that who has accessed data at what time and for what purpose. These basic tips will help companies’ authorities to protect their enterprise information from being getting leaked due to human errors.
3. Embrace the Risk in Cloud & Productivity Apps – Although email is the traditional source for the data loss, text collaboration products that establish a connection between teams and end-users internally as well as externally also have their impact. Most of the industries are well-known about products like SharePoint and Dropbox to share documents and collaborate on projects. But, these are simply the means to share data with a broad range of products like message apps, Slack, Box, G Drive, etc., enabling end-users to share documents with a second person.
It is the duty of source individuals to be careful when they are sharing confidential information with a person whom they don’t know. Employees should be trained with the habit of asking higher authorities when some unknown persons ask / influence them to share a particular business file.
Attain Enterprise Security in the Collaboration Era
Collaboration is completely redefining the ways to get the work done in organizations. Collaborative products have rapidly become front boundary tools to work with data. Well, we would suggest you outsource the load of enterprise security and pick up a reliable CASB Solution Provider for your company. The vendor’s security team will predict, analyze, and work on how, where, and when of every asset. Companies will be able to give their time and efforts in other areas in order to grow their business with continuous data protection.